Perhaps they could build him a rocket, and Dragon could start all over again on Mars

13. Hooked On A Feeling

Obviously, this was not what Dragon had expected when he’d opened his door that morning. In fact, he doubted anyone would have expected a plot twist like this in a children’s story! But, as Dragon reflected on what these people were saying, he knew they were speaking the truth. He just hadn’t wanted to hear it. 

Maybe he wasn’t all-powerful after all. If he ever allowed himself to think about it, he’d realise that power and money weren’t the answer: deep down, his soul was empty, and no amount of money could fill it.

Dragon was at a crossroads: either change his ways and enjoy life or stick to his guns and face a squalid end.

For a power-addicted dragon, this was a tough call. A life without power sounded very dull. I mean, who ever heard of a ‘humble’ dragon? So, Dragon weighed up his options.

First, he thought about simply ignoring the humans. Perhaps they were wrong? But when he considered the evidence stacked against him, he knew that, deep down, they were right. Next, he wondered if his scientists could maybe filter his farts so they were no longer dangerous. But he knew such technology would take too long to build, so this was a non-starter too. Finally, he considered building a space rocket and blasting off to Mars, leaving the mess he’d made behind. But even he could see only a total moron would contemplate such a thing.

After considering his position, he decided the humans were probably right. If he didn’t want to kill himself, he should probably take their advice. He was hooked on power, and it was time to face the music.

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