The Dragon & the Hummingbird

A not-for-profit book for people worried about climate change but not sure what to do about it.

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About the book

"So, what are these step?" asked Dragon, feeling somewhat contrite.

A book for people who know there’s something going wrong with the weather and want to know what they can do about it.

I’ve tried to make this an entertaining read with a few jokes and some jolly drawings from my friend Paul Taylor. It also has a few suggestions for what you can do to help, short of joining Greenpeace or Just Stop Oil. It even has a (sort of) happy ending. So take a look. What’s the worst that can happen?

Download it for free or buy a printed copy at cost. I’v written it to help people engage with the problem – so please consider getting the paperback then, after you’ve read it, pass it on. That’s how we spread the word and begin to make a difference.

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What people have said about it

I very much enjoyed this easy to read, and yet profound, book. It’s very accessible and often humorous, yet it provides a deep message on the environment. Fundamentally, it answers two questions – how have we got to the mess we are now in, and what can we each do about it? I like the focus on personal responsibility and personal action. I learnt a lot. It also looks very nice!

“I can’t remember when I last read a book from cover to metaphorical cover – with a small break for sleep before the final chapter. A super exposition, with a nice fairytale to set off with. A massive Satyagraha (spelling?) is required, and if this helps to stimulate it, good on you!”

“Put aside your daily priorities for a while and read Gramskii’s new book ‘The Dragon & the Hummingbird’. So much more interesting than reality TV. THIS IS THE REAL THING. It’s an entertaining yet foreboding tale about why our world is in its current precarious state; sprinkled with humour, coupled with scientific and historical references – almost a book within a film within a film. It moves along at a cinematic pace to provide an explanation of how capitalism and greed is the lumbering beast that has created inequality, financial disaster and climate change. It’s time to do something about it before it’s too late. We can all help – Find out how by reading this inspirational book. It’s free, so what have you got to lose? (Apart from your planet).”

“I’m half way through your book (I’m a slow reader). I think it’s fascinating and well written. Love the director/actor concept. I’m learning some new stuff and it is bringing clarity to things I was not fully familiar with. As someone who also writes I know how much work you have put into it. Massive congratulations on such an amazing achievement.”

“Who wants to read about the inconvenient truth? I must admit, I didn’t. But fear not! Graham Hall has found the sweet spot. The Dragon and the Hummingbird sits at the intersection of a fascinating venn diagram. The place where history, data, humour and hope converge. Because the issues surrounding climate change are myriad and complex it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Most of us believe a problem of this magnitude can only be fixed by world leaders. Feeling small and insignificant, we slide into pessimism and apathy. Surely my piffling efforts to save the planet are meaningless? Reading this book has reawakened my conscience. I feel alert to the politics of greed and failures of capitalism (and for someone who tunes out the news this is quite an achievement). Packed with information, delightfully accessible and never preachy, this is a book for everyone. Read it, feel inspired, take action.”

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About the author

I’m Gramskii (OK my real name’s Graham Hall) – and I worked in advertising for 30 years and I feel a little bit guilty about that now… So I wrote this book to make amends.

I spent about 3 years researching and writing it to explain what I found. You might be surprised.

I’m not selling the book, (especially through Amazon) – because they are a big part of the problem. So I’m trying to do this without giving Amazon a cut and if you like the book – spread the word yourself.

This isn’t about making money I’m just ‘doing my bit’ – like the hummingbird in the story.

And there are lots of ways to read it:

Also, if you enjoy reading it, please spread the word. If you don’t, then do me a favour and keep your mouth shut. 🙂

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