"And what if I told you that you'll love your work because you're doing more of what you love?"

16. Don’t Stop Believing

Alice took a big gulp of her beer and mulled over what had happened to Dragon. “You know, there’s one last reason Dragon was so powerful.”

“What’s that?” asked George nervously, hoping Alice hadn’t seen through to his personal dragon hidden underneath.

“He kept us all working for him by appealing to our selfish nature.”

At this, George shifted uncomfortably.

“Something hit me when you were reading him our ultimatum,” she said,  “I thought I could see a sort of human trapped inside him, albeit a misshapen and warped version of a human.”

George panicked. Was Alice onto him? “Really?” he asked uneasily.

“Yeah,” Alice affirmed. “I realised Dragon is just a manifestation of our own need for Status, Power & Money (S.P.A.M). He’s a product of our own selfishness.”

George saw those similarities, too, and felt ashamed.

“Well,” Alice interrupted his thoughts, “he’s gone now, and we’ve finally broken the spell.”

Alice raised her glass in celebration.

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