"So, what are these step?" asked Dragon, feeling somewhat contrite.

12. Tried To Make Him Go To Rehab

“So here’s what you’re going to have to do.” Said Alice forcefully. If you’re willing to take this first step,”she continued,” you might discover that Power isn’t all that great after all.”

“And it doesn’t make you happy.” Added George.

Dragon sensed that what they were saying had a ring of truth about it.

“So, what are these steps?” he inquired, now genuinely curious.

To answer him, George unrolled a long scroll he’d been holding under his arm and read it aloud.

  1. First, you need to admit you’re hooked on Power, and you need to stop making excuses.
  2. Second, you’ve got to realise you can’t tackle this alone.
  3. Thirdly, ask for support from people like us.
  4. Then, be brutally honest with yourself and own up to your flaws.
  5. Share your faults with others, even if that feels tough.
  6. Next, dig deeper and uncover more faults.
  7. Seek assistance from others to pinpoint these faults.
  8. Acknowledge the people you’ve hurt due to your addiction.
  9. Take steps to make amends and compensate them.
  10. Keep uncovering more faults (there’s always more).
  11. And don’t hesitate to seek ongoing support.
  12. Lastly, pay it forward by aiding other addicts.

*Other addiction programs are available

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