Alice tries "to do her best"

1. Alice’s Adventures

This is Alice. Alice is a pretty terrific human being.

There was a time when she didn’t have a care in the world, with her pink hair and nose stud. Still, these days, she’s settled into a more conventional lifestyle, playing happy families with a lovely husband and two naughty but adorable daughters in a charming little cottage on a quiet street in a friendly little town.

At least, it used to be a friendly little place to live, but recently, she’s noticed her world is changing, and not for the better. For example, she’s noticed she no longer hears the dawn chorus when she wakes up early, and she’s pretty sure fewer butterflies and bees are pollinating the flowers in her garden. And don’t get her started on the crazy weather ruining her tomato plants. And this makes her worry about the future and what the world will be like for her daughters when they grow up.

So, to help the planet, she’s become a vegetarian and buys most of her clothes in second-hand stores. She’s even bought a second-hand electric car because they’re supposed to be better and less polluting. Still, even that’s complicated, and she now worries about the minerals they dig out of the ground to make the batteries. She’s heard they may be using child labour to do that.

It’s all very confusing and frustrating. 

So now she’s taken to going on climate marches, even if she’s not sure it makes much of a difference.  But it helps to lower her anxiety levels, and in any case, what else can she do?

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